Thursday, May 19, 2011

Important Golf Course Notes

I have many topics to discuss but at the risk of losing your attention I will only touch on those issues that seem obvious to me and therefore probably the membership as well. Before we get to the course itself we should bring up the mosquito problem. Apparently they showed up in force after being blown in from outside the city's control boundaries. I do not want to spray any sort of insecticide that is non selective and would kill all other insects besides the mosquitoes. Remember there are beneficial bugs out there as well. We don't have the specialized application equipment anyway. The situation will improve assuming the weather stays warm and dry. Mosquito repellant kills turf so apply it on a non turf surface. Thanks for your help in reducing the green footprints surrounded by yellow grass we tend to see when the bloodsuckers are out.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record its LREP bullet time again:

  • Haul roads were sodded today. I've definitely seen better quality sod in my time but the late start has affected the sod farms as well. Big Lake Sod Farm used a new harvesting technique and it was not without problems. I managed to negotiate a bit of a discount on the invoice. Water, fertilizer, sunlight and topdressing on our part and the sod will improve quickly. 
  • Some of the sod we laid in the flagged areas has not survived. So many areas to attend to, dry windy conditions and weak sod didn't help. You might say I'm making excuses and you're right but the facts are the facts. The amount of sod we have spread out there is daunting. We will be going over the front nine again and should have the work completed by the end of next week.
  • We have begun mowing the sod laid last fall. I cut it myself and noticed some ruts and depressions caused by settling and the installation of the sand this spring. We will aerate, roll and topdress as necessary after we get all the other sod established. Remember to bump your ball if necessary on all the sodded areas thus reducing the desire to curse my name or the project results. This grow in will take time so please be patient.  

Course notes and other observations:

  • The tree on #17 has been removed. We will be planting in that area later this season.
  • Dandelions are out and we will be spraying to control them early each morning over the next 2 weeks. Notice will be posted at the 1st and 10th tees. Unfortunately the herbicide (KILLEX 500) has a certain odor that cannot be avoided. Roundup will also be used in an attempt to control unwanted grasses in wood chip beds, rock gardens, etc.
  • We will be spraying a fungicide next week to get a head start in an attempt to reduce the fairy ring problem that I have been told is an unsightly issue on our greens. I have researched some promising results out of the States. Unfortunately the best chemical control product is not licensed for sale in Canada.
  • The tees and approaches will be verticut and topdressed next Tuesday and Wednesday. The procedure should not be much of an inconvenience, if any, to your round.
  • The  rakes we ordered finally arrived and will be added to those bunkers that are short in numbers.
  •  A club scrubber will be added to the 11th tee to match the other par 3's. If there was one there last year last year the mounting hardware is missing. It has been ordered. 

A couple of final notes for now:

  •  Over the next week I will be adjusting the greens perimeters to bring down the aprons (or collar) off of slopes or away from the edge of some bunkers. I told Ted Locke my intentions and he is in agreement. That is step one to improving our collars that in my opinion do not look good at all.  Step 2 are some cultural practices to aid in water and air movement. The approaches need the same attention as well.
  • Some greens sodding is required on #4, #15 and #16. We can't go there until we get the LREP repairs finished but it is next on the priority list.
In closing if you would like further explanation of anything mentioned above feel free to call me @780-203-4211. More to come in (including some divot discussion) in the next blog post.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Wade. Very helpful and informative update. I really appreciate you taking the time to update the membership as to the cultural practices and the issues that you and your staff are facing. Keep up the good work!
