Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November Update

The golf course finally got a skiff of snow last week and about 10 cm last evening. Its been very pleasant up until now considering the time of year. The greens were all covered during the first week of November and fresh air has been blown underneath the tarps several times already. It has been warmer and humid underneath the covers compared to the air above. However the last few nights have been cold and it is now frozen underneath the covers. Snowfall amounts will influence temperature fluctuations and how often we will need to vent the greens throughout the winter. So for now we'll continue to vent the greens every 5 to 7 days.

This fall we also staked and roped off all of the covered turf to keep wayward cross country skiers away from the greens. We now have a few deer residing on the property and the rope might keep them back as well although they aren't as much of a concern as the skiers would be.

  • The washroom site at 14 tee is prepared and waiting for the building to be installed. It is being designed off site, taken apart and then moved here for final installation a few weeks from now. Next spring the interior work will be completed by Dave Quinn, the outside perimeter will be landscaped by Turf Care and Val will plant various shrubs, grasses and flowers for effect.

  • At present Turf Care is doing some required pruning on the course and giving Ian's (our equipment mechanic) area of the Turf Care facility a thorough cleaning while he is away for a week. The concrete floor will be washed and painted as will all the steel benches and shelving.

As of the 24th there is not enough snow to lay down cross country trails. The weather is forecasted to warm up considerably as well. We'll keep the membership updated as to ski trail work when conditions improve. Feel free to venture out on your own until that time but please stay away from all tee complexes and green sites.

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