The silvery thread moss that is on the greens in various locations has been treated with "Quicksilver" in August and mid September. It is a difficult weed to eradicate so more applications of this selective herbicide will be applied next season. In combination with our topdressing program, a review of our nutrient levels on the greens and hopefully less watering requirements next season, we should be able to drastically reduce the presence of this troublesome organism. It isn't really noticeable to the untrained eye until it is sprayed then it turns black as the chemical takes action. The turf has already begun to reappear in these spots and we are also spiking and overseeding now to aid in recovery.
Dew worms have seemed to come out of nowhere after the dry summer and recent rains. Their castings as they come to the surface leave small dirt mounds that get flattened by the mowers and interfere with turf growth. They aren't a problem on our sand based greens as the sand irritates their skin. However the approaches and fairways are heavier clay loam soils and the worms have flourished. We waited long enough but have now had to treat the approaches with an insecticide (spraying chemicals was a last resort) to knock the worms back. More applications will be necessary and likely also required on certain fairways in the future.
Course Notes
- The holding tank for the washroom on #14 will be installed by S.A.C. Septic Solutions in the next 2 weeks.
- James Allen Construction is in the process of obtaining the timbers for the building itself and will begin construction of the washroom in the near future. It will match the facility on #6. Landscaping work will occur next spring.
- The steps on #1 tee will be reset later in October when it isn't as busy on the golf course.
- We were going to wait on the paving stone work at the washroom on #17 but have decided to get started this fall and finish up next May.
- Over the next few weeks cart path entrances and exits will be resodded as needed. This will be a never ending process due to the our tight and limited power cart access issue.
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