Thursday, May 8, 2014

Open For A Week

We've been open for a week and aside from one warm day the weather has been awful especially compared to last season when the high was +31C on May 6th. The present conditions don't lend themselves for any chance of a quick recovery on the 2 putting greens. The warmup is showing progress but it has a long way to go. There is no chance of seed germination with the below zero temperatures we are experiencing at night, even with the covers on. The putting green will open later today. Please avoid practicing on the eastern 1/3rd of the green. Obviously the cups will not be placed in this area for the next few weeks.

The 18th green is progressing nicely and we are scheduled to open it for play on May 17th. The mowing height will be reduced slowly over the next month and topdressing will be the order of the day until we feel the surface is comparable to the other greens. The small areas of winter damage on a few of the other greens has been repaired and is looking good. As we move into our regular topdressing program and the weather warms up the greens will soon be where we want them for May. The aeration holes from the coring last October have been slow to close over but it won't be long before they don't affect ball roll.

18 Green on May 7th. Picture quality is poor but it conveys the message. The dark lines are shadows from 2 sprinklers running when the photo was taken.
We have made good progress cleaning the golf course and we will be finished with the sweepers tomorrow. However course cleanup is always ongoing in some way shape or form on a course like ours. The bunkers are currently being edged and adjusted. Its a huge, difficult task with the number and size of bunkers on the property but we should be finished next week.
Turf Care Notes:
  • New benches have been ordered for some of the tees on the back 9. A few of the log benches are just not of acceptable quality anymore.
  • The ball washer/trash receptacle will be back at 13 reds next week.
  • A sand/seed bottle rack has been ordered for the shelter on #6. A good suggestion from a member for those who use the forward tees on #7.
  • Maureen and Val will be cleaning the flower beds over the next few weeks. Soil temperatures are not warm enough to even consider planting anytime soon.
  • The Stanley Thompson tees are being installed out on the fairways (3000 yard course for kids and those who can't hit it very far).
  • Rainbow trout will be stocked in the pond on #10 in the next few weeks.
Enjoy what hopefully should be a pleasant weekend.

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