6 Green
As advertised we have replaced the bentgrass sod on the right side of the 6th green. Recall if you will that we had winter kill in 2012 and rather than nurse it back to health we made the decsion to use extra bentgrass sod from the 10th tee construction. In retrospect the quick fix was probably the wrong choice of the 2 options. I think we pushed it too hard and rushed it into play before it was ready for our lower mowing height. Later in the summer we raised the mowing height to help it recover. It was doing okay until early this season when the Take-all patch disease outbreak set it back again. Could we have nursed it back? Probably but it would've taken all summer. One other glaring issue. It stands out like a sore thumb next to the rest of the green which is a bentgrass/poa mix. So we decided to resod it. Different game plan this time. Unfortunately our new nursery which we built from our aeration cores and overseeded with bentgrass will not be ready for sod removal until later this summer. It would have been the perfect match. However my wife's course has a nursery that is very similar to our greens. I know she has maintained it far better than any sod farm and she graciously gave us enough to redo the 6th green. The preparation of the surface was very thorough and it will not be rushed into play until it is ready. Yes it will be okay by the CN Women's Open. Hopefully in regular play far sooner than that.
Pond On 10
The algae growing around the perimeter of the lake will need additional solutions beside applying a control product (which we will be doing next week). It needs to be sprayed on the surface over the weed growth. We will likely use our large sprayer with the hose and spray gun as it can reach out up to 30 feet from the shore. This is just a band aid approach for now. I have been talking to a company (Ackenberry Trout Farm) about an aerification system that will "turn over" the water from the bottom of the lake and also add additonal oxygen to the water. We'll install it this summer but it will really take effect next spring. So for the remainder 2013 we will be removing what we can mechanically and applying control products. I don't imagine we'll have complete success because the process to improve the "health" of a large pond is a long one. We seem to have a handle on the pond at 18 as it is smaller with more aerators. The product we are using there to help with weed growth is more suited to a pond of that size (read that as $$).
LPGA Notes
A reminder that we will be moving off the range tee on July 15th so that we can have it fully recovered by August 17th. In addition to the range we will also be keeping daily play away from all tee surfaces that will be used during the tournament. I've detailed those locations in a previous blog. You may have noticed the upper parking lines have been repainted. We didn't do the lower lot as it will be used to stage much of the infrastructure for Golf Canada and the lines would get worn out far quicker than normal. The lower lot will be repainted after the event has packed up and moved on.
All for now,
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