Next Week On The Course
- Lowering mowing heights on the greens and tees. We are still a few steps away from our lowest mowing height on the greens but we will be there much quicker than in the past.
- Liquid fertilizer application on the fairways with a weed control product added to the solution to eliminate the odd dandelion and some knottweed that is difficult to see on the fairways but is present in certain locations.
- Arbor Care Tree Services will be on the course working at #16 reducing the impact the overhanging poplar branches are having on tee marker positioning and pin locations. It will take a couple of days and some noise until 11 a.m. each morning.
- Following the work on #16 Arbor Care will then cut off any broken or dangerous limbs throughout the course. Please use caution when you are near the boom truck.
Note: The early and deep snow pack last winter did not allow the work to be completed at a more convenient time. Any work we had planned for the elms was also not done thus we now have to wait until November as required by a very strict City bylaw.
- The curbing work is finished and we will be sodding the cart path tie ins beginning on Wednesday. Precast concrete steps will then be added at the 1st and 11th tees. Paving stone side outs are the final piece of the project.
- Maureen and Val will continue with planting bed cleanup. They are about 10 days behind their usual schedule because of the extended winter. It is difficult to give them extra help at this time with the work the Turf Care staff are doing elsewhere. They will start planting in late May and early June.
- Opening the natural grass driving range tee on Wednesday. More on that in the 2nd blog.
- The Legacy Clock will be bolted to the concrete base and powered up on Tuesday.
- Weed control in the rough and alongside treelines. Watch for notification and signage. Please contact me for more information if required (Killex: 2,4-D, MCPP and Dicamba).
- Topdressing greens, tees and aprons. Greens scheduled for Tuesday morning due to the long weekend.
We are off to a great start but there are many loose ends that need to be attended to on our way to reaching our goal of achieving the highest level of conditioning and presentation at The Royal Mayfair.
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