Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The End Is Near!!

I am very pleased to report that CTC is scheduled to complete their work this coming Friday. Even with the poor weather they have been able to get back to work in the afternoon. Most of their remaining tasks involve installing topsoil beside the new cartpath on #10 and some minor drainage work. We have been covering the topsopil in the lower parking lot to keep it dry.

The lake on #10 will be filled by the end of the day with a similar look to #18 as the end result. For now. The cartpath work and curbing is complete. We should be able to have the remaining sod work completed by next Monday. The new synthetic driving range turf is being shipped out to us from the USA on June 11th. We will install it as soon as possible so that you can use it and get a feel for it when we are not on the natural surface. On that note: we envision opening the Short Game Practice Area and the driving range tee in about 2 weeks. Until that time please refrain from hitting any practice shots from these areas.

The 10th hole, in its entirety, should be open by the middle of next week. There will still be work to finish the tee area off completely. Ballwasher, garbage container and bench service areas will be added in the coming weeks. They will be situated on paving stone "sideouts" next to the asphalt. You will notice painted areas on #10 as well as the other paved tees on the back 9.

The haul road repairs will begin next week. The entire stretch from the east side of #9 to the west side of #1 will be renovated and big roll sodded. The turf across #9 will be low mow fairway sod (same as the driving range tee). We will also be big roll sodding from the edge of the path at #3 tee to #18 tee and from the 17th green entrance west down the rough for approximately 30 to 50 yards.

The cart path tie in work will begin once we are finished the haul road work. We will tackle one hole at a time and do the job right  and not rush to finish it all too quickly. that way we can be assured of a quality looking result.

On a final note. We all look forward to getting back to concentrating fully on the golf course and all the small things that have piled up and are in need of our attention. My next blog will have more to do with the course itself and less to do with the LREP.


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