Friday, July 1, 2011


Let me begin by apologizing if anyone got wet at 11 a.m. this Canada Day. The irrigation computer was set for 11 a.m. instead of 11 p.m. and thus some sprinklers came up 12 hours early. Let me assure you this is not the first time this has happened in our industry. I know of many incidents and stories of similar "accidents". I hope you can find some humor in the situation unless, of course, you got wet. If you did please accept my sincere apologies. 

While on the topic of apologies if any of the membership was caught in the bunker trimming traffic jam around the 11th and 12th holes on Friday, sorry. We had 2 separate crews doing the work and they came together in that area leading to too many staff focused on getting their work done. Unfortunately many of them forgot about their surroundings and the golfing membership. Eric did arrive on the scene to rectify the problem. Needless to say we had an impromptu staff meeting at lunch time.

On The Course This Week:
  1. Tees will be verticut and lightly topdressed on Tuesday.
  2. The sprinklers will be reorganized around the 8th tee in order to increase the watering efficiency. We are hoping to reduce the dry areas on the tee surfaces and eliminate the 2 "bogs"next to the tree line.
  3. We will be root pruning the spruce trees north of the 12th tee complexes. A trencher will cut a 3 foot deep line next to the tees. It is our belief that the tree roots are a major reason the tees are constantly drying out and in need of almost daily hand watering.
  4. The greens height will be lowered slightly and this should take us to our limit for the time being. It is my belief they are very close to an acceptable putting condition for a majority of the membership. They are quick, smooth and consistent. We are double cutting Monday to Friday and usually rolling M/W/F.
  5. A granular insecticide will be applied to the greens late in the evening just before the irrigation system is turned on. It is called Merit and the insecticide is absorbed by the plant. When the tiny grubs feed on the roots of the Poa/Bent turf plants they immediately stop feeding and eventually die. It is best to go after the grubs rather than the beetles that are on the surface. It seems the double cutting is removing many of them anyway.
All for now,

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