- Bunker Raking: The staff continue to improve on their work in the bunkers. However, Eric and I see the odd problem at times. The hand raking of the smaller bunkers surrounding greens is looking pretty good. The larger bunkers and the others out beside the fairways still aren't up to par. The staff have missed a few, rake too fast, don't reorganize the rakes at times, etc, etc. We're working on it.
- Fairway Verticutting: This seems to be a sensitive issue at the club however it is an important cultural procedure. It has the same benefits on fairways as it does for the rest of the course. It helps remove thatch, it stimulates growth and it assists in a better cut over time. I borrowed a fairway unit with verticutter reels rather than using the heavy duty machine purchased by the club last summer. That particular machine has worked great for the haul roads that weren't sodded. It's a good tool to have. In my travels yesterday I did manage to find a very good used set of verticut reels for our own fairway units that we will have from now on. I know its a little messy in spots but that will "go away" in a day or 2.
- Tee Problems: The tees are under some serious pressure. Bentgrass gets very thatchy at higher mowing heights and the root systems tend to go sideways instead of down. That is why they dry out so quickly, even after heavy rains or irrigation cycles. To make a long, boring story short we will be treating them exactly like greens. That means bi-weekly verticutting and topdressing, aeration as required and a lowering of the height to produce a tighter, firmer and healthier surface. Takes time though and lots of supplemental (hand watering) moisture in order to get them through the summer without putting too much stress on me. Regular divot line filling by my staff on all the tee decks will help with their long term health as well.
Course Notes:
- Our dedicated sprayer had a breakdown on Monday and of course, the required part had to come form Calgary so any spraying of weeds, wetting agent and/or fertilizer was put on hold until today.
- Weed control on fairways and in the rough will be ongoing for awhile. I do a couple of loads a day until the wind picks up or golfers arrive on the scene. When you see the "Chemicals Applied Today" signs posted you will know we have treated that area of the course that day.
- Maureen and the girls are planting in the beds and they should be finished by Monday weather permitting. They beds will look great as usual and the added color is welcome to see.
- Greens and collar repair is ongoing and the bigger areas will be completed by Friday. Smaller areas we have been sand/seeding will continue as need be (weekly).
- I've noticed some fairy ring showing up and a few black beetles crawling around so its time to begin control treatments. I will inform the membership when treating for these 2 pests as it involves fungicide and insecticide use.
All for now,
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