The yellow rings that are prevalent on the greens right now are a mild patch disease (Yellow Patch) that will ocurr on Poa/Bent greens that are low in nitrogen, thatchy and subjected to cool wet weather. It will stop activity when temperatures get above 21 C. We have not been able to put a granular fertilizer down to increase nitrogen levels due to the daily rainfall. We will be getting that done on Monday regardless of the weather. As for spraying a fungicide I would prefer to wait to see if conditions change. We sprayed a fungicide last week that prevented a different cool weather disease (Fusarium) from appearing and it usually helps control mild outbreaks of Yellow Patch. Not this time. So before I go putting a different, more effective chemical down we will wait a day or two. It is unsightly but should not affect the putting surface.
On the course this week:
- mowing rough non stop
- verticutting and topdressing approaches on Monday and Tuesday
- verticutting and topdressing greens on Wednesday followed by a roll and double cut before the start of Mens League
- fertilizing greens, tees and approaches
- finishing off minor repairs on collars and greens