- You may see the spray unit on the fairways over the next few days. We are applying a spring season liquid fertilizer. Completely safe to use and it will give the turf a quick source of nutrients.
- The greens will be verticut and lightly topdressed early Monday morning (May 16th weather permitting). The cut will then be lowered as we begin to move toward an incremental decrease in mowing height. Remember that frequent light topdressing is a critical component to greens health and a smooth firm putting surface.
- The haul road repairs will begin Wednesday May 11th. The major damage will be worked with a unique attachment (a specialized rototiller) and then big roll sodded next week. The other paths will be aerated/sliced and overseeded as they soften up from some much needed irrigation.
- The myriad of small sod jobs will begin shortly. Priority will be given to glaring eyesores and the "trench" line of dead or dying sod surrounding the 3rd green.
- When we have our source of irrigation water restored we will begin to fill the lakes. I cannot give you a definite day but only let you know that when you see the levels rise we have our water back. A company (IVIS) that does work for both the city and several oil companies has committed to helping us steam the line once they have sterilized the 1000 feet of cable required for the task (hopefully by Thursday).
Look for a new video explaining my preference for fairway divot repair. Unfortunately I cannot afford an actor to replace me but don't let that turn you off of utilizing a great information source.
All for now,
Wade Peckham
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