Sunday, June 11, 2017

Course Update and Irrigation System Progress

Some areas of the golf course are still not where we would like to see things in terms of conditioning. As stated in the previous blog we have been extremely busy with 2 main tasks: looking after the course and working overtime with irrigation cleanup. We have managed to hire more staff and we have made good progress on all work fronts. The following is a list of procedures that will be undertaken by Turf Care beginning tomorrow morning and continuing throughout the week:
  • Greens 2 and 6 require an aeration and heavier sand topdressing to help even out the surface. As we lower the mowing height to match the other greens it becomes very important that the new sod is as healthy as possible. The holes will heal quickly at this time of year.

  • The other greens will be verticut and lightly sanded Monday morning. Mowing heights will be lowered later in the week. We are getting close to our usual summer time greens condition.
  • As fairways 2, 6,7 and 9 reach the latter stages of recovery they also need an aeration, spot overseeding and a topdressing. That will occur throughout the week. The other fairways (as per usual) will get a light topdressing after the Father's Day weekend.
  • Many of the wood chip beds need weed control and we can finally task some labor to spraying Roundup and or Killex as required.
  • The bunkers need edging and sand adjustment but that will still have to wait until later this month. They aren't too bad but do need attention sooner than later.
  • The 4th tee is sodded and should be open for play soon after the Canada Day long weekend.

Irrigation System Project
  • Alpine will be finished the majority of their work on hole 13 by Tuesday morning and then move on to the 12th hole at that time.
  • Hole 11 will follow with a mainline connection from the north side of 12 to the edge of 10 fairway. This will link the irrigation work done previously on hole 10 in 2011.
  • Hole 18 will be the last on course work with irrigation to be installed around the large practice green and the nursery as the final phase. If all goes according to plan hole 18 should be completed during the last week of June.
Irrigation Cleanup
  • Turf Care is working on the 9th hole at present (not including the haul road repairs). The haul road repairs will commence towards the end of the month when we are certain Alpine will not be needing the route.
  • Trenchlines down the tree lines on 5, 12/13 and other areas difficult to grow turf (basically under trees) are going to be hydro seeded. We have borrowed a small hydro seeder that will spray a seed and cellulose fiber mulch on the dirt. This will protect the seed and allow carts to drive over these areas without too much trouble.
  • Turf Care will be returning and taking care of many small locations in the coming weeks to give the project a final "cleanup". July and August are always good growing months so that will help as well.
We are getting close to the finish line. At the beginning of May that "light at the end of the tunnel" cliché felt like a Mack truck about to run us down. Now it does feel we are finally getting to a point where the hard work has  made a difference and results are definitely more positive.

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