Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Cleanup Begins


Before I discuss what lies ahead for the remainder of the LREP we are happy to announce that the 10th hole will open as the newly designed par 4 on Friday June 15th. I only ask that expectations reflect the fact that the entire hole aside from the green has really only had 5 weeks of grow in time. The fairway sod was laid in early November and the tees were completed on May 17th. You will notice a few warts here and there but we will take care of these areas in the weeks ahead.

It is very important that ALL fairway divots are replaced and the sand seed is then used as a light topdressing. Those using power carts must  use caution when warranted. For example: after a rainfall there will be some wet areas that develop and they need to be avoided. Please abide by our cart control measures. There may be times when power cart use will be restricted to rough only. Please do your part to ensure the continued improvement to the hole throughout the summer.

The fairway height of cut will be lowered slowly over the season as the turf matures and fills in. It is hoped we can be down to our normal 1/2 inch mowing height by mid August. The permanent fairway markers at 200, 150, 100 and 50 yards still have to be installed and the new brass plates for the tees are to be manufactured soon. Yardage discs for each sprinkler have been ordered as well.


Now that CTC has left the property and the major work is completed it seems there is a rush to clean the parking lot. I'm in a rush as well but we have to take care of some issues before we can bring in a company to sweep and wash both lots. First and foremost we have to cleanup our area north of the lower lot first. It is a mess of mud, gravel and sand. If it is not cleaned up it will be tracked by vehicles up to the main parking lots. The lower lot requires a good scraping on our part and the upper lot needs all the debris shoveled away from the curbs and out into the open for the sweepers. The cleanup company can then visit us during the night to bring our lot back to acceptable standards. Line painting and curb repairs will also be carried out after the lot is clean.


The clocks from Prestwick are in and will be at the warm up green, the 6th green/7th tee and at 14 tee as by Golf Shop request. The old clock at the warm up will go to the range and I am getting brass plates made up with our coat of arms to be attached to each clock. They aren't Rolex's but they look nice.

All for now,

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