Saturday, September 2, 2017

September Notes

 It seems like the leaves are turning color early and falling sooner than normal. Probably not. We likely just have short convenient memories. In reality summer is almost over and autumn is upon us. With the arrival of September come changes in the Turf Care Department and also changes in turf management procedures. As happens every season we lose approximately half the staff as students return to school. Replacing them and their experience is not easy when a new person will only be hired for 30 to 45 days. Fortunately turf growth begins to slow as the days get shorter so the practice of everyday mowing of the greens, tees and fairways will be reduced to help us deal with lower staff numbers.
The Turf Care team we assembled this year was one of the finest I've had in my 26 years as a superintendent. Dependable senior employees combined with mature, responsible young adults was what we needed to help the golf course come through a difficult spring and the major work of recovering from the irrigation project. They have earned my respect and admiration and I can't thank them enough. The days will fly by now as we have so much to do and it seems, not enough time in the day to accomplish our tasks.

The following are changes in turf management procedures that have already commenced or will soon occur in September:
  • Tees, approaches and fairways will be mowed less often and rarely on weekends.
  • Mowing heights will be increased on the greens allowing more leaf blade and deeper root depth as the plants prepare for winter. The green speeds will slow but our goal is to still keep them smooth and rolling true.
  • Greens will be rolled rather than mowed as conditions dictate.
  • Leaf removal begins in earnest so that means blowers and sweepers out in full force.
  • AERATION. Tees, approaches and fairways will be aerated and topdressed this month. THE GREENS WILL BE AERATED IN EARLY OCTOBER.
  • The grass tee at the driving range will close. We need the last few weeks of good growing weather to help our small range tee recover from this past summer's use.

Small Course Projects:
  • The final phase of the irrigation project is the removal of the old sprinklers. We have already started and will continue until freeze up. Note: the coyote population loves to dig up our sod work as I'm sure you'll periodically notice this fall.
  • Some shaded, wet areas (especially beside the tees on 16 and 18) will be stripped and resodded.
  • The new range building is almost ready for "occupancy" by the Golf Shop. Once again Dave Quinn from Turf Care has come through and delivered a very nice product.
  • As many are no doubt wondering, the new sprinklers on the fairways will have yardage plates installed on them next spring. We are waiting for Alpine Irrigation to give us accurate GPS numbers in October. 
  • Removal of dead trees. The list is long and we will get to them as time permits. Stump grinding will be done in October.
Enjoy the last couple months of the 2017 golf season.