Its great to start a season on all 18 holes with no major disruptions that will affect playing the golf course. However, as much as it pains me to say it we still have some project work to deal with during the month of May. The following list pretty much sums it up:
- Curbing installed next to the new cart path paving from last October.
- Cart path tie and sodding next to the new asphalt and/or curbing.
- Paving stone installation and landscaping changes beside the 1st tee.
- Installation of new steps to replace rxr ties.
- Removal of bunker boards and all bunkers edged.
- Patio and landscape work at the new Tee House.
- Installation of the new "Legacy Fund" clock next to the Golf Shop
- Haul road repairs (aeration and overseeding) across #9 fairway.
None of this work will affect actual play on the course. It may result in some inconvenience accessing green and tee sites from time to time so please be patient with the Turf Care Team. In addition to this work we have a lot of tasks to attend to on the course to get it in the condition you all expect and deserve.
Curbing and new steps to be installed, for example, at 12 tee
Paving stone installation and landscaping work at the first tee
Tee House patio and landscaping work required
Even though it is snowing as I post this the warm weather will return. Stay positive.
All for now,